Monday 28 November 2011

Keeping The Child Style

To contrast with the maturity of the form of the sculptures, and the gallery setting they will be displayed in, I feel the features of the game should stay in the childish style it originally was. To help with this idea I will create the origami games with my 6 year old cousin, before turning them into sculptures.

Group Crit

After having a group crit, they felt the outcome wasn’t clear enough, and thought to ensure the audience understands what the sculpture is portraying, more of the game features should be added.

From this I decided to change my idea slightly. To make sure the audience understands the concept of the game, I chose to create several sculptures showing all the features of the game. However only showing peoples outcomes, I will do this by playing the game with my people and documenting their outcome, each person will have there own individual sculpture.


Group Crit

The feedback for this project was very positive. From showing the group the first few images of the final piece, the concept was portrayed clearly and successfully, therefore no changes will be made to my ideas.

Metal Workshop

I created these pendants by using different techniques within the metal workshop. Using a scrap piece of lace I embossed the texture onto the metal.

Fashion Workshop

Experimenting on all the different machines within the workshop, I created a sculptural dress.

Unfolding The Game

To create the printed style of the game, I had to see the layout before designing it on the computer. When I unfolded the hand-made game too see, it fell into an intresting form. I then recreated this using one of the chosen designs I created earlier.

I feel the apprpriate way to display this work which will ensure my concept is shown clearly, of the childish style origami game unfolded into a spohicatiated sculpture, would be on white display plinth in a gallery setting. 

Monday 14 November 2011

Physical Movement of People

I have chosen to use the idea “physical movement of people”.

I decided to look at tracking a journey; I created a small video of me traveling from home to university, as this is the main journey I take every day. Using adobe premiere I edited the video.


As the video was 13 minuets long it became boring to watch, so when I edited it to make it shorter and more interesting the video ended up losing its quality and became cheesy, therefore I do not feel this piece is strong enough to take forward to the final stage.

Idea 2

I have chosen to take forward idea 2 of creating a humours situation why the sock cannot be fixed.

I liked the idea of using an actual sock; therefore I created different designs for making monster sock puppets.

Chewing Gum

For my final outcome I am going to take the stuck chewing gum out of its original setting (public places), and bring it into my home, sticking it to objects around the house.

Here are the first few images of the final piece.

Artist Research - Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson is well known for making the streets of London a little more colourful, by painting images on pieces of discarded chewing gum.

Like Wilson, I am also going to look at the littering of chewing gum in public to create my works.