Thursday 8 December 2011

Wood Workshop


I am pleased with the outcome of this project and feel the sound works well with the film. Creating the sock puppets was challenging as I had to keep ensuring I stitched the parts together in the correct place because they fell differently when wearing the sock on my hand.

The Unfixable Hole - Final Piece


I would have liked more time to be able to re-film this piece, with more control of how the people were moving, as they appeared more relaxed in their posture than what I would have wanted.

If I was to carry this project on, I would like to create a series of humorous videos of the same group of people shuffling in different places.

City Centre Shuffle - Final Piece

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Group Crit

After producing the video I got feedback from my peers and tutor, I got a positive response as they thought the video was humorous and clearly showed the meaning of creating an unfixable hole. However as I produced this as a silent film they thought adding sound could make the work more successful. Due to the creepy feel the film has, an idea was put forward to use sound similar to those found in old silent movies.

I then went on to research old silent films (e.g. Charlie Chaplin) to find sound which could go with my film. I looked at old silent horror films as the sound would be more suited to my video.

Monster Sock

After creating a selection of monster sock puppets, the best was chosen to use in a puppet show video of the unfixable hole.


The final images turned out how I intended and got an enthusiastic response in the group crit. However, creating the work took longer than planned which lessened the time available to focus on other projects.

I have chosen to display the work on a white wall in one of the studios. The 100 images will be printed off size 8 x 6 cm and presented in a square with 1cm gap in between each.

100 Pieces of Chewing Gum – Final Piece

Shuffling Audio

From playing around with the editing I thought the audio of the shuffling is really strong and could be used as a piece itself.

After showing the two pieces (Town Shuffling video and Shuffling audio) in the final group crit, the group responded better the video therefor I will be using the film for my final piece.

Town Shuffling

I feel this piece of film is more successful and the location of filming made the video more interesting and humorous. However I like the sound of the shuffling in the other video, therefore I am going to edit the videos and apply the shuffling audio to this film.

Active Installation

Another Idea I had and wanted to experiment with was the idea of an active installation; I feel this can be more successful, using my audience as the art itself  

Gathering a group of people from my area and videoing them moving together.

This video didn’t turn out as well as I wanted, therefore I will be re-filming this video with better lighting. I also thought this piece could be successful as public art, therefore I have chosen to re-film in the city centre. 


Throughout creating these sculptures I encountered many problems. Creating the printing plan on the computer was hard and time consuming. When first folding the card I noticed the folds were untidy and crinkly, to solve this problem I drew out where I needed to fold and scored the lines with a Stanley knife, this made the folding easier and neater. When assembling the games the card would get dirty from my hands therefore I decided to wear latex gloves to keep the card clean. I wasn’t able to get enough plinths to display all of my sculptures, so I have decided to only display one, but photograph them all how I would have wanted them to be displayed.

Overall I feel the work turned out well, if I had more time to focus on this project I could experiment with different ways of applying the features:




Also I could consider creating the sculptures with different materials e.g. metal.

Final Piece - Unfolded