Monday 13 February 2012


Overall I have really enjoyed this project as I have been able to use my imagination to the max. I have so many more ideas I would have liked to produce if I only had more time, like creating a series of film or adverts similar to the ‘protect and survive’ series,  radio announcements, news reports and internet warnings. I feel the pieces I created where successful at answering the brief I set to do, however if I had more time I could have took higher quality photographs to work with.

Sunday 12 February 2012

In the Street

As I will not be able to portray the poster in the context they are in within the studio space, I have taken images of the posters in my street.

Friday 10 February 2012

Final Pieces 'Warning - Alien Invasion on Earth'

I got a positive response for all the posters, leaflet and hat from my tutor and peers; however there was one small change to make to ensure the pieces looked as professional as could be, this was to have borders to guarantee the text and images fit correctly on the pages when printed.

The thought of enlarging the 3 posters from size A4 to A3 would be an improvement as they would look more like posters.

Final Pieces:

'Warning - Alien Invasion on Earth'

Thursday 9 February 2012

'Keep Calm and Carry On'

The idea of having ‘Stand as Still as a Statue’ as an iconic saying, could be linked with the ww2 phrase ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’. From this I recreated the famous poster ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ with the alien invasion phrase. 

Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Leaflet

Instead of using diagrams to show how to use the product, I decided to use photographs to fit in with the current technology and get a professional outcome. I experimented with different layouts. I didn’t feel the bottom three images where strong enough, and thought the leaflet looked better with just the text in place. Also I noticed a spelling mistake which had to be quickly amended before printing.

First Poster

Here was the first poster I created:

After having a group crit, the others thought the type face was incorrect for this type of poster and should choose one more simple and bold font.  Therefore I went on to change the font to something similar used in the original ww2 posters. I used the same font through all the posters and information leaflet.

As I wanted to produce realistic propaganda, I should include all the government markings (E.g. issued by The Ministry of Home Security) But updating them to fit in with today.

Monday 6 February 2012

Designing & Making

From the Three propaganda posters I looked at, here are the designs for the alien invasion recreations.

After designing them I used the software Photoshop to produce them, it was all straight forward and I didn’t have any major setbacks, apart from playing around with the colouring and layout.

To fit in with today’s technology, I chose to photo edit the pictures I took and gathered from the internet, rather than use drawings like the ww2 posters were. I feel this way was more successful and showed my skills greater.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Tin Hat

As I have chosen to create tin hats as my protective products, similar to how ww2 had gasmasks. I will be creating the story where these tin foil hats can only be received by the government, and cannot be home made, as there is a certain way it is shaped and a special seal has been applied to make it work.

Also adjustable straps will be applied onto all hats to ensure they stay correctly on the head at all times.

The hats will be distributed at any local supermarket, as supermarkets today are huge and there is always one nearby.

Posters will be displayed around the streets of Britain, on lampposts, walls, shop windows and billboards. Also they would be shown in magazines, newspapers and on the internet.

The leaflets will be handed out when collecting the hat; also they will be delivered to all houses (like take away menus)

Here is the tin hat I created:

Goverment Posters for Today

As I have only looked closely at ww2 propaganda poster, I researched slightly into government posters for today. These posters were about swine flu, and the recession. The styles of the posters were not suitable for the context of my project as they had a harsher and direct way of giving the information. Also I wanted to reflect the humour and light-heartedness of the ww2 posters.

Friday 3 February 2012

Chosen ideas

I have decided to use the situation where the aliens can only capture us humans by detecting movement and/or reading our minds; therefore I have chosen to use the Protection method ‘stay still as a statue’ and will be creating a tin hat for the protection product.
I have designed 5 different tin hats to see which would work better:

Similar to the iconic tin hat we know, and used in films and programs such as ‘Signs’.

An adaptation of the first hat.

The same design as British ww2 helmets.

The design of a winter Peruvian hat, adapted to suit my idea (no pompoms or tassels).

This design is not a hat, but a tin headband with straps.

I have decided to use the first design as it reflects my intentions of having the humours factor; also, it already has an iconic conspiracy link to stop aliens reading our minds.