Sunday 5 February 2012

Tin Hat

As I have chosen to create tin hats as my protective products, similar to how ww2 had gasmasks. I will be creating the story where these tin foil hats can only be received by the government, and cannot be home made, as there is a certain way it is shaped and a special seal has been applied to make it work.

Also adjustable straps will be applied onto all hats to ensure they stay correctly on the head at all times.

The hats will be distributed at any local supermarket, as supermarkets today are huge and there is always one nearby.

Posters will be displayed around the streets of Britain, on lampposts, walls, shop windows and billboards. Also they would be shown in magazines, newspapers and on the internet.

The leaflets will be handed out when collecting the hat; also they will be delivered to all houses (like take away menus)

Here is the tin hat I created: