Tuesday 23 October 2012

Special Adoption Pack

Within the adoption pack I will create a certificate, photos and a soft toy for the bear ravine Tecton.

Special adoption pack Certificate
I used Adobe Photoshop to create the certificate.
Special adoption pack Photos
I have included a picture of Lunetkin himself, a photo of the bear ravine in the 1930s and the architectural drawing of the enclosure. Along with some photos of the structure today, which I took on my visit.
Special adoption pack soft toy
Within the WWF adoption pack they give away a soft toy of the animal. As I thought creating a building as a soft toy was going to be hard, I chose to just create a soft toy pillow with an image of Lunetkin on, even though it will took quite tacky and a random gift to receive, this is where the humour will come from.
I created the soft toy using plain cream material, polystyrene balls and photo transfer paper.