Saturday 28 April 2012

Manual to Menu

As now I have decided to drive my simulation in a different way, making it more of a game simulation, I do not feel the serious manner of the manual is appropriate. And maybe look into merging how the information is received to the experience.
Text in the pub
·         Food menu

·         Drinks menu

·         Specials board

The information on how to play the simulation will be displayed in a pub menu style.
The whole game could be designed by the user, picking how they want their night from the menu, this will be done by asking questions like, what would you like to drink? Beer, wine or spirits? This will make the simulation more interactive with the user.
Having the user chose their night will also benefit the simulation being unisex as I will not need to stick with the fixed design of the night.

Friday 27 April 2012

Murder Mystery Parties

As I wanted my simulation to be very interactive, I looked into murder mystery parties, which are themed events where the host sets up a murder and the invited guests have to investigate. 

 There are murder mystery party kits that you can buy , these include the story line, name tags, games, props etc. Below is an example:

Death by Chocolate... turn detective and discover who was esponsible for the murder most foul – was it Chocolate Bertrand, Marchioness Duchamp, or perhaps Maria Von Schnapps? Inside the box, you’ll find all you need to host the perfect murder mystery dinner party for 6 to 8 people – party invites, scripts for the ‘actors’, clues, menu suggestions and recipes, plus a DVD to set the scene ready for the investigation.
From Lakeland £14.99


More interactive elements to the simulation.

·     Ripping beer mats- I noticed a lot of people rip beer mats up while at the pub. I thought this was a good thing to add, so I will include beer mats in the simulation for the user to rip.

·        Pub quiz – Many pubs have weekly quizzes, I will create a pub quiz to add to my simulation, this can be displayed in a booklet form.

·      Karaoke- Karaoke nights at the pub. I want to create karaoke DVD.

Group Crit 2

Work in progress group tutorial

After presenting my work so far to my peers and tutor I received some helpful advice to make the simulation successful.
·         Idea of ‘Pub in a Box’ was positive

·               How I was portraying It was too serious for reflecting a fun night out

·         Idea of it being  a solution for not going out is not strong enough

·         Turning it into a humorous game would suit it better,  for example a stag night gift

·         The simulation should be more general so it can be unisex.

I need to look deeper into the experience of being at a pub to ensure I produce a quality simulation. Looking at how people act when they drink alcohol, (balance, slurring words, over confident).

Wednesday 25 April 2012


To guide the user through the simulation I will create a manual of what to smell, touch, listen to and wear at certain times. I want it to have a professional look, so I will analysis a few manuals to understand what different information they contain and the style it is put across.

A manual should have:
·         Image of the product
·         Logo of the brand
·         Important information/ health and safety information
·         Product information
·         Care instructions
·         A list of all the different parts
·         Instructions on how to use/ what to do (sometimes with images)

Monday 23 April 2012


As I have only considered  3 of the senses (hear, smell and feel) I wanted to  look into the sense of seeing, I do not want to change the environment the simulation is used in to reflect a pub, so I thought of looking at how peoples sight changes due to alcohol, things becoming more and more blurred.

While out shopping I noticed reading glasses with different strengths and thought that this could be the answer to creating the gradual bur throughout the simulation without actually becoming drunk.  I brought 4 different strength glasses to be worn.

Sunday 22 April 2012


I went to pubs and recorded the sounds on my phone, Busy Time and Quieter Time.
This sounded as I intended.

As in the design of the night, as well as chatting the user can also hear music/ fruit machines/ Karaoke. I will use the software audacity to edit them and put the sounds into one track.


Applying just a thin layer of a product (hair wax) in a petri dish works. However the dishes need to be flat as the wax slightly melted and started to seep out when placed on its side.

Saturday 21 April 2012


After experimenting there was no negative change to ingredients in the test tubes, apart from the kebab meat which lost its smell and started to mould after a few days.

Testing out the idea of using dry food powders and spices to resemble the actual food.

The result was positive, as it lasted. Therefor I played around to make a mix that smells similar to kebab meat. (Lamb stock cube and spices)

Thursday 19 April 2012

Smell, Feel and Hear

There is no possible way to capture just a smell, therefore I will have to use the actual ingredient (apart from sick). I have decided to display these in test tubes, as it can store the ingredient securely and lock in the smell when not in use.

To get the different feels of the night, I have chosen petri dishes to hold a thin layer of all the items (e.g. hair wax); these will keep the items secure and are large enough for someone to rub their fingers in.

I will create a cd of the soundtrack of the night.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Artists Work- Nobi Shioya, Olfactory Art

As I was looking into smells, I needed inspiration on how to deliver them to the audience.
In a group crit I was recommended to look into 'Olfactory' art, which was art using the sense of smell, and the artist  Nobi Shioya, also known as "S",  who created some remarkable pieces which focused on smell during the late 90s and early 2000s.

Title- A•UN
Date- December 1999
Venue- Kanagawa Prefectural Concert Hall (Yokohama, Japan)
Perfumers- Annie Buzantian, Annick Menardo, Alberto Morillas and Thierry Wasser


Title- Fearwall
Date- June - July 2001
Venue- Lance Fung Gallery (New York)
Perfumers- Jacques Cavallier and Thierry Wasser



Title- /7S/
Date- January 24 - March 8, 2003
Venue- Cleveland State University Art Gallery
perfumers- Annie Buzantian (Envy), Jacques Cavallier (Pride), Ilias Ermenidis (Gluttony), Harry, Fremont (Avarice), Annick Menardo (Anger), Alberto Morillas (Lust), Thierry Wasser (Sloth)



Title- 100% Love
Date- June 12 - July 26 2003
Venue- Josee Bienvenu Gallery (New York)
Perfumer- Sophia Grojsman

For more information use the link below
Olfactory Art, Nobi Shioya, Compressed art, Website, Viewed 14/04/2012

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Creating a Night

From all the information gathered, I have used elements of the 5 men to create a night that I will base the simulation around. This includes the events and the different senses involved.

1. Getting ready – 7:00pm
Smell- Aftershave
Hear- Television in the background
Feel- Hair wax
2. Get a taxi to the pub
Smell- Car air freshener
Hear- Radio
Feel- N/A
3. Arrive at the pub, meet mates
4. At the bar, start drinking beer
Smell- Beer
Hear-Chatting, background music and fruit machines
Feel- Sticky surface (bar)
5. Fancy a bag of crisps
Hear- Chatting and background music
Feel- Crumbs and grease from inside the bag
6. Continue drinking  
Smell - Beer
Hear-Chatting, karaoke
Feel- Sticky surface (bar)
7. Chatting up a girl
Smell- Perfume
Hear- Talking to a girl, background music
Feel- N/A
8. Move onto sprits
Smell-Spirits (whisky)
Hear-Chatting and karaoke
Feel- Sticky surface (bar)
     Smell- Shot (Sambuca)
Hear- Chatting and karaoke
Feel- Sticky surface (bar)
10. Leave pub, get a kebab
Smell-Food, kebab
Hear- Chatting and cooking
Feel- Grease
11.Taxi home- 12:00am
Smell- Car air freshener
Hear- Radio
Feel- N/A
12. At home, be sick
Smell- Nasty smell (resembles sick)
Hear- N/A
Feel- N/A

Friday 6 April 2012

Gathering Research

I will ask 5 men between the ages of 18-30 on what their typical pub night out may involve. 
Attached is the questionnaire I used.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Men's Night Out

Traditionally men are the main sex to go the pub, even though today there are equal amounts of woman and men in pubs, I will base the simulation around a typical men’s night out.  Also I feel the age range 18-30 would be best suited,  as they may have a larger range of events throughout the night, whereas older men may only go for a couple of pints.

I will be getting research on the structure and events of the night from men who fit this category. Alongside what happens on a night out, I will find out the different senses used on each event (what can you hear, smell, feel, and see).

Sunday 1 April 2012

Answering Questions

Looking back on the questions:

1. Does the work have a real-world context? Yes, I have chosen to base the simulation around a pub experience.
2. Is it an intervention, a performance, a service? It is intervention but could also be a service, if this simulation was to be mass produced it would be sold as a stay at home pub experience  and can be used repeatedly instead of actually going out. 
3. What constitutes experience?  Drinking alcohol and socialising.
4. How can you artificially replicate it? I will look at trying to replicate the different senses used during the night out e.g. smells of beer.
5. Is it a single participant or a group? The idea of the simulation is if you are alone so it will be designed for a single participant.

6. Is it public or private? It would be a private simulation as it would be designed to be used at home.