Sunday 1 April 2012

Answering Questions

Looking back on the questions:

1. Does the work have a real-world context? Yes, I have chosen to base the simulation around a pub experience.
2. Is it an intervention, a performance, a service? It is intervention but could also be a service, if this simulation was to be mass produced it would be sold as a stay at home pub experience  and can be used repeatedly instead of actually going out. 
3. What constitutes experience?  Drinking alcohol and socialising.
4. How can you artificially replicate it? I will look at trying to replicate the different senses used during the night out e.g. smells of beer.
5. Is it a single participant or a group? The idea of the simulation is if you are alone so it will be designed for a single participant.

6. Is it public or private? It would be a private simulation as it would be designed to be used at home.