Saturday 12 May 2012


I am very pleased with how it has turned out, I think the change of direction into a game like simulation was very positive and made it more successful. Now it is more general it allows all adults to play.

If I had more time or if I had changed my idea earlier, I would have considered making more interactive products e.g.  Funny beer goggle masks.

Also I would have spent more time on making it look more professional as if it would be sold in a shop. The box could have been designed more decorative and appealing.

I and others noticed that I should have put an age restriction (18+) on the box as it includes alcohol and influences drinking alcohol. As I already printed the cover for the box I didn’t have enough time to reprint, but this is an important point if it was to be sold as a game simulation.

In Use

My friends and I spent a night playing the game. I got feedback of what they thought and how I could improve it if I had more time.

What they said
“The game was very fun and entertaining, it would be great as a funny and jokey gift to give to friends who are getting married or having children as they won’t be going to the pub as much.”

“The style of the menus look as if they were actually in a pub, I really like that I can chose what I want to do, and being able to pick the type of music I like. And when I play again I can have a different type of night.”

“The design of the logo is attractive and fits in with the modern type pubs, however I think the design on the box could have been more eye-catching.”
“How everything was layout and labelled made the game easy to follow, the instructions was clear and I had a fab time playing it.”

“It was really interactive and all the different elements made me feel like I was at the pub without being at the pub. I really liked how it portrayed being drunk with the beer goggles and bad chat up lines wheel.”

“The name is really catchy and fun.”                     

Wednesday 9 May 2012


Layout in box

As the dishes need to be placed flat on top of the foam, they moved around when box was moved so I stuck Velcro on the bottom to secure them down.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Securing the Objects

To ensure the items would be secure within the box I needed to think of a way of packing them.
 I thought about bubble wrap; however I wanted the items to be seen when the box is opened. Also it can be time consuming and annoying having to un-wrap all the items and sorting them into order before starting, then packing them back up when finished.

When looking at packaging in general, I noticed a lot of things are packed away by plastic moulds or polystyrene.
As I thought polystyrene was properly the easiest to use and get hold of, I experimented with this. I wanted to create different compartments for the different object for ease of the user.
cut with a craft knife - didn’t work well as it left me with jagged edges and in a mess. 

Cut with a hot knife- more successful as it cut through the polystyrene neatly, but at the start of the cut the knife was hotter so it melted more from the top than the bottom.

Another idea was to use foam, and putting slits to hold the object in. This worked out the best, so I will be using foam.
When I slotted the test tubes down into the foam, they didn’t sit neatly together, so I placed them at an angle so they all fit in a row, this also allowed the labels to be seen clearer.


logo stickers to place on the soundtrack disks.

I will be labelling all the test tubes and dishes, corresponding to the menu. I have decided to cover the majority of the test tube/ dish so the ingredient inside is unseen. From the viewer not being able to see inside the power of what it is labelled will reflect what they think they can smell.

The glasses will be labelled by how many drinks they have had, e.g. 4-6 pint glasses.

The Box

I looked at existing game boxes (adult board games/ drinking games) to help with the design of my box.

The box will display the logo. 
I added a glow to make it stand out and look more attractive.

Monday 7 May 2012


I download a few of the classic karaoke videos, which put onto a DVD.

Other songs:
Don’t Want to Miss a Thing – Aerosmith
I Will Survive- Gloria Gaynor
Poker Face- Lady GaGa
Eye of the Tiger- Survivor
Just the Way You Are- Bruno Mars
Angles- Robbie Williams
All the Lovers - Kylie Minogue
Losing My Religion- REM

I have created a logo sticker which will be placed onto the disk.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Friday 4 May 2012

Chat Up Wheel

For the section ‘Chatting up a woman/man’ in the menu, I have created a funny chat up wheel corresponding to how many pints have been drunk.  As more alcohol has been consumed the worse the chat up lines get.

Thursday 3 May 2012


To protect the menus, I laminated them; however when it came to folding, it cracked and looked messy.

To overcome this I will not be folding the menus.  I centralised the text on the front to make them look even.