Saturday 12 May 2012

In Use

My friends and I spent a night playing the game. I got feedback of what they thought and how I could improve it if I had more time.

What they said
“The game was very fun and entertaining, it would be great as a funny and jokey gift to give to friends who are getting married or having children as they won’t be going to the pub as much.”

“The style of the menus look as if they were actually in a pub, I really like that I can chose what I want to do, and being able to pick the type of music I like. And when I play again I can have a different type of night.”

“The design of the logo is attractive and fits in with the modern type pubs, however I think the design on the box could have been more eye-catching.”
“How everything was layout and labelled made the game easy to follow, the instructions was clear and I had a fab time playing it.”

“It was really interactive and all the different elements made me feel like I was at the pub without being at the pub. I really liked how it portrayed being drunk with the beer goggles and bad chat up lines wheel.”

“The name is really catchy and fun.”