Thursday 15 March 2012

Artists Work- Olafur Eliasson

The weather Project - Olafur Eliasson

The weather project was installed at Tate Modern, London in 2003 as part of Unilever series.
The subject of the weather has long shaped the content of everyday conversation. Olafur Eliasson takes this ubiquitous subject as the basis for exploring ideas about experience, mediation and representation.
In this installation, representations of the sun and sky dominate the expanse of the Turbine Hall.

For more information use the link below
Tate Modern, The Weather Project – Olafur Eliasson, Website, Viewed 20/03/2012.

From looking at this work of Eliassons, I like how the audience experience the simulation without having to play a part in it.
How he has used an everyday subject which we experience all of the time, but may not think much of and represented it in a closed space, I feel is very interesting.