Sunday 25 March 2012

Group Crit 1

In a group tutorial I weighed up the pros and cons of both ideas.

Idea 1
·         Fun
·         Problem solver for not being able to actually go out. E.g. tight on money, too lazy or nobody to go with
·       Too expensive to create
·        Flat image of the space on the app.  If a video was used instead, the movement would not be controlled by the user

Idea 2
·         Could re-experience what you can never actually go through again
·         Use of  different senses
·       Could end up being cliché and tacky, as the sounds can be similar to 70’s hippy relax music, whereas my intentions where more serious
·       No access to workshops over the majority of the project time, an issue when experimenting and creating

As both ideas had pros and cons, I will mix elements of both ideas together to create simulation. 
·         Fun element of a social place (Pub) - idea 1
·         The user having to use all their senses - idea 2