Tuesday 24 January 2012

Research on Real Claims - Betty Hill

I am more interested about the alleged abduction of Betty Hill, also known as the Zeta Reticuli Incident in 1961. Even though this claim may be untrue I feel this can be an influence to my work. She gave many interviews describing what took place on 19th September 1961. She gave detailed descriptions on how the aliens look:
·         Form of human
·         Larger eyes
·         Smaller nose
·         Smaller mouth
·         No hair
·         No pinna part of the ears

Also she stated that all communications with the aliens were verbal, they could understand and speak English but not fluently. After she put up a fight about being taken into the aircraft, she told us the aliens said “all we want to do is some tests and we will leave you alone”. Her and her husband where taken on board and separated into different rooms where they were both being tested on, they was interested in the nervous system and bone structure. Both Betty and her husband where under control, however betty came out of it and was fully conscious, she said she was talking to the leader about our way of living and asked where they was from, the leader then went on to show her a map of stars, betty at the time was unaware of where theses stars were, until few years later after having nightmares and hypnotism, she could remember what actually happened that night, and could draw the star map the alien showed her. In 1968, Marjorie Fish, an elementary school teacher and amateur astronomer, Intrigued by the "star map", found a match to the map betty had drawn, it was from the viewpoint of the double star system of Zeta Reticuli. Therefore she concluded that the UFO might have come from a planet orbiting Zeta Reticuli.

From Betty hill story I will use the information of how the aliens look to influence my ideas, but exaggerating it for a humours factor.