Tuesday 24 January 2012

Research on Real Claims

After doing some research about real claims on aliens visiting earth, such as:

·    The ‘Roswell Incident’ –In 1947, Army Air Forces allegedly recovered remains of a crashed “Flying Disk”.

·    Alien Abduction Implants - Most objects removed were similar in appearance to small pieces of metal or glass, the objects was lab tested and found to be not of this earth, but the metal objects were actually extremely rare pieces of meteorite that had an iron based cover, possibly for protection. whoever or whatever put these object(s) inside the individuals done so without cutting their skin. It should also be noted that in most of the cases, the embedded objects were connected to the abductee's nerve endings.

·    Aliens deactivated British and US nuclear missiles- A group of RAF workers claim that the object came over and hovered directly over the site and beams of light fired into the base. There have also been many other claims similar to this in the UK and USA.

·    Area 51 – According to many sources this places does not exist and it is not on maps, even though it can be seen. (Google earth). Some say that alien aircrafts and autopsied alien bodies are stored there.