Tuesday 24 January 2012

Film Research

I have looked into many alien invasion films, to influence the creation of the aliens in my work, how they look, move, act and attack. Below are four films I am interested in:

‘The day the earth stood still’, (2008), Scott Derrickson.
·         The alien takes a human form.                                                       
·         They attack by Realesing  a swarm of  insect-like nanites that begin destroying everything in their path.

‘Skyline’, (2010), Colin Strause, Greg Strause.                          
·         The alien ships look similar to a squid like form.
·         They  shine bright blue lights down on earth which attracts the humans, then vacuums them up into their ships.
·         The brains of the humans are ripped out and placed into bodies of new aliens.

‘War of the Worlds’, (2005), Steven Spielberg.
·         Lightning strike the ground and huge machines on three stilted legs bursts out of the holes.
·         The tripods were brought to earth long ago and been buried underground.
·         The tripods end up dying off on their own as they ingested a virus from the human's blood.

‘Independence Day’, (1996),  Roland Emmerich.
·         A giant alien mother ship, over 340 miles in diameter enters orbit around Earth, and deploys several dozen saucer-shaped "destroyer" spacecraft’s that  take positions over many of Earth's major cities.
·         The ships attack the city. And releasing smaller ships to blow up our army planes.
·         A computer virus is inserted into the mother ship which disables the protective shields around the destroyers and attackers leaving them to be easily taken down.