Tuesday 24 January 2012

Wish You Were Here - Brief

For this project I am creating a situation of an alien invasion on earth.  I aim to produce warning and survival information on how we humans can deal when the aliens attack, similar to war time propaganda. I want the work to reflect the humorous methods of protection that we feel they used during past wars to ensure the people stayed calm and felt safe, even though the methods were not reliable such as the ‘Duck and cover’ method.

To influence the alien invasion , I will look at many films which all have different approaches of how the aliens look, attack, and  also how the humans react and survive, such as ‘the day the earth stood still’ (2008) Scott Derrickson, ‘Skyline’ (2010) Colin Strause, Greg Stause and ‘Independence day’ (1996) Roland Emmerich.

Also I will be researching into real claims to aliens vising earth and their experiences and feelings about it, like Betty Hill, who had allegedly got abducted in 1961 and has appeared on many interviews giving details of what happened and how she reacted. For my piece I want to exaggerate how the aliens are to make the piece more humorous.

As well as looking into aliens, I am going to look into war time propaganda and information booklets to ensure I create realistic alien attack recreation. Other parts for survival of the wars like gas masks, sirens and radio announcements could also be an influence, as I could design a product that can be disturbed to all humans to help protect them against the aliens.

To create the final pieces of alien invasion propaganda, I plan to use software’s such as adobe Illustration and Photoshop.