Wednesday 13 February 2013

Burbo K'ture Overall Feedback

Even though I only had 2 days experience with Burbo K’ture, I felt I got a good insight to what is consisted of not just being a fashion designer or creator, but owning your own fashion business. E.g. up keep of the shop and displays, managing money and time, designing, making and selling, collaborations with photographer, models and other designers, promotions and good customer service.

I gathered a lot of information from just chatting to Burbo himself, like the positives and negatives for owning your own shop, the biggest negative is that there isn’t a consistent flow of money, as one month he may have hardy any orders or sells but the next could be completely different, this is why when being self-employed money management is very important. The positive is that he can create the shop to reflect his style and likes, which I think attracts a lot of people.

From working in both the shop and on the photo-shoot, I feel I enjoyed and was inspired by the photo-shoot and working with the photographer more, especially in the area of fashion. I would like to gather more experience in this area, as now I am more interested in photography as a career choice.