Wednesday 20 February 2013


From the instructions of the YouTube video, I created my patterns for the puppets.

Then I knocked up a quick prototype to test if the patterns where correct and if I could follow the instructions clearly.

The prototype went well, however I needed to alter the pattern slightly at the Back of the head, as it was too big.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Response from Baverstock School

Below is an email I received from Baverstock.

Dear Loren,

Thanks for your email and CV with accompanying letter.
I would like to invite you for a meeting on Tuesday 5th March at 11:15. Please meet me in reception and note the following:

Our full address is:
Baverstock School
501 Bells Lane
Druids Heath
B14 5TL
0121 430 7924

Bring any documentation you have including CRB check and safeguarding letter if you have one. On a personal note I would love to see your sketch book to see how you have developed your skills

Please reply to confirm and I am really looking forward to seeing you soon.

Kind Regards
Miss Mazzoni

Friday 15 February 2013

Essex Intro

As well as having the puppet show, I wish to create an intro parodying ‘The Only Way is Essex’ intro, shown below.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

My Idea

'The Only Way is Puppets’

A parody film with puppets –‘the audition’, a normal woman (larger figure, no makeup) gets turned away from being on TV by two Essex style judges. ‘Mr Media said that you are not what women should look like’.

I will make 3 hand puppets, using instructions from a video posted on YouTube. 

Response from the Mac

Below is the email I received from the Mac, I was Unable to get a two/three day placement but they could offer me one day.

Hi Loren
I have spoken to our technical department and we could offer you a one day placement on either Wednesday 26th February or Wednesday 6th March.  Please let me know if this would be suitable and we can make the necessary arrangements.  I am now out of the office until Monday so will respond on my return.
Kind regards

Felicity McLeister
HR Administrator

( I have chose to attend on Wednesday 6th March.) 

Burbo K'ture Overall Feedback

Even though I only had 2 days experience with Burbo K’ture, I felt I got a good insight to what is consisted of not just being a fashion designer or creator, but owning your own fashion business. E.g. up keep of the shop and displays, managing money and time, designing, making and selling, collaborations with photographer, models and other designers, promotions and good customer service.

I gathered a lot of information from just chatting to Burbo himself, like the positives and negatives for owning your own shop, the biggest negative is that there isn’t a consistent flow of money, as one month he may have hardy any orders or sells but the next could be completely different, this is why when being self-employed money management is very important. The positive is that he can create the shop to reflect his style and likes, which I think attracts a lot of people.

From working in both the shop and on the photo-shoot, I feel I enjoyed and was inspired by the photo-shoot and working with the photographer more, especially in the area of fashion. I would like to gather more experience in this area, as now I am more interested in photography as a career choice. 

Burbo K’ture Photo-shoot

Day Two at Burbo K’ture

5 hour day – 11am-4pm

Sunday 10th February

The Photo shoot took place in a few areas around The Custard Factory, but then settled in one location.

I helped dress the models and position the clothing how the designer wanted them to be presented online.  I was able to see how the designer, photographer and models work together and what consisted in each role.

My Feedback
I didn’t really know what to expect of the fashion shoot, but it was very relaxed and casual which made me feel comfortable with the Designer, photographer and  models, as I was able to chat and ask questions along the way.  I was really interested in this area of the experience and felt very involved in helping position the models. 

Day One at Burbo K’ture

5 hour day – 12pm-5pm
Friday 8th February

I was based in the Burbo K’ture shop in The Custard Factory, Helping Customers and the designer with the selling of garments.

I participated in the taking of commissions, by helping the designer bring the customers ideas to paper and presenting them with the possible fabrics to be used.  Regarding to the final designs and making of the garments I mainly observed the designer in action, but helped with smaller tasks e.g. stitching buttons.

Along with the daily run of the store, I and the designer chose the selection of garments that was to be sold on ASOS, ready for the upcoming fashion shoot on the Sunday.  

My Feedback
At first I was a bit quiet when it came to the designing of new garments and the choosing of garments for the fashion show, as I didn't want to get in the way of the designer and I felt my ideas may not have been what he wanted, however he made me feel really comfortable and encouraged me to voice my opinions as he found them inspiring. I was very happy that my ideas where appreciated and we could inspire each other. 

Burbo K’ture

Burbo K’ture is a fashion designer, stylist and creator based in Birmingham. He runs his own Fashion boutique shop in The Custard Factory, Gibb St, Birmingham. As well as selling his handmade, customised and vintage pieces, he does commissions.

He is currently in the process of expanding the business to sell on the popular fashion online store ASOS.  I was lucky enough to get a work placement to help him with the Burbo K’ture Progression and I will be a part of choosing the selection of garments to be sold on ASOS and the Fashion shoot.

I aim to develop the understanding of how a fashion business works, from designing to creating and selling.

Organizing Work Placements

I sent an introductory email with attached CV to all the different placements I am interested in.  I altered each email to suit the type of place, for example, appropriate skills and aims.

I asked for a four day placement within Baverstock School, two/three day placement with the others.  

Below is an example of the emails I sent. (Mac) 

Dear Amy Smart,
I am currently an Art and Design student at Birmingham School of Art, Birmingham City University, and I am looking to get the opportunity to gather experience of a Visual Arts Technician within your complex, as I wish to explore my career choices for after graduation and I feel that your high standard services would be something I would like to be a part of. 
I have skills of working with a verity of media, as my projects have comprised of installations, photography, film, Textiles etc. I have recently been involved in a Successful collaborative project with a group of Architect students and Dudley Zoo, Studying and Responding to the Tecton Structures located in Dudley zoo, participating in a collaboration has developed my skills in communication and negotiating.
I wish to develop experience and skills of working with the public of all ages.
I am aiming to get a 2 day work placement between 25th Feb – 8th April 2013 on days Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I hope you are able to provide this valuable opportunity.
Yours Sincerely
Loren Timms 

Miss Loren Timms

Please see attached CV.

I asked for a four day placement within Baverstock School, 2/3 day placement with the others.  

Identifying Work Placements

Below is a list of institutions/ individuals I am interested in doing a work placement with:
  • ·         Baverstock School
  • ·         Burbo K’ture – Designer/shop
  • ·         Mac – Visual arts technician
  • ·         River Studios – Photographer 

Saturday 9 February 2013

The Only Way Is Essex

‘The only way is Essex’ is a very popular TV show with the young girls and reflects the Medias ideals the best; therefore I wanted to use this as inspiration.

Friday 8 February 2013

Role Models

From such a young age girls are given a false inspiration and role models, from things such as Barbie. But as they grow older it becomes even worse. 

Below are two quotes from an article written in The Metro Online in 2012.
TOWIE, Geordie Shore and Desperate Scousewives create ‘role model deficit’ for girls, The Metro, Website, Veiwed  05/02/2013. (

“By the time they reach their teens, they start looking away from their parents to celebrities and TV shows as influences, the report found.”

“Girlguiding UK said the lives of celebrities are ‘hugely influential’ on girls’ behaviour and that, for some, programmes such as Geordie Shore and The Only Way Is Essex are ‘a blueprint of how their lives should look’.”

Below are two quotes taken from an article written in The Daily Mail Online in 2012
TOWIE culture encouraging the 'champagne lifestyle' is a risky role model for teenagers, say Girl Guides, mail online, website, viewed 05/02/2012. (

“Young girls are using The Only Way Is Essex as a blueprint for how to live their lives, warns a report from the Girl Guides.”

“Many feel encouraged to follow a glitzy champagne lifestyle – as portrayed on the TV show. Others believe drinking and drug taking is acceptable and having sex at 14 is normal.”

Wednesday 6 February 2013

She Promised Not To Use His Razor For Her Legs

I found these images in the glossy magazine ‘Glamour’. I think the images are very ironic and humorous and I feel they could link well as they are portraying the Medias ideal woman in sexy underwear, however publicizing their insecurities. It connotes even woman that follow the Medias guidelines they still have insecurities. 

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Appearance Insecurities For Men and Woman

I have listed out different insecurities which I will take into consideration when making my puppet.

Weight problems
  • Obese
  • Anorexic

  • Odd, shape and size
  • Small
  • Moobs

Hair loss
Facial Hair and body hair
Facial features
  • Big nose 
  • Thin lips
  • Wrinkles

  • Too tall
  • Too short

  • Spots/ acne
  • Scars
  • Stretchmarks
  • Birthmarks

  • Glasses

  • Small

Sunday 3 February 2013

Hypodermic Syringe Theory

According to this theory the media is like s big syringe which injects ideas, attitudes and beliefs into the audience, who as such a powerless mass have little choice but to be influenced.

The media have a huge impact of people’s appearance by playing on their insecurities and showing them how they should be.  Through magazines and TV shows, the media portrays “the ideal” women, these usually being skinny, tanned, big boobed, with glamorous volume hair and luscious full lips; these women are unrealistic, from airbrushing or plastic surgery. What message is this giving to our young girls today?

In more recent years it has not only affected woman, but now men are expected to keep up with the “perfect man” look.