Monday 22 April 2013


Unfortuanly I did not get a response from  River Studios, photography .

As I worked on a fashion shoot with Burbo K’ture, I got the chance to experience photography slightly and I really enjoy it and became more interested, therefore I wish to try and get some experience with a photographer soon. 


When I first read the brief I felt I could not engage with the project easily, and even throughout the project I found it very challenging. However, to try and find a way of connecting, I chose a context that I can relate to a lot, this being media pressures.

Creating puppets was a completely new thing to me and I was not looking forward to that element. However, making them was very fun and I was very pleased at the professional outcome.

Creating the intro and video was something I found less challenging, as I had much practice in this area. But my skills developed slightly through the experimentation in this project.

Even though at the beginning of this project I did not have a positive outlook, I am pleased with the outcome and I feel the video portrays the message of media pressure well, especially with the use of my humorous and parody tone.

If I had more time, I would have created more puppets and scenes, of the waiting room and more interviews of the judges accepting the puppets that look like them and turning others down even. This may have made the message clearer. 

Sunday 21 April 2013

The Only Way Is Puppets - Final Video

This Video is also available as a higher quality on Vimeo. Link Below:
(Ensure the HD option is enabled)

Baverstock Overall Feedback

Overall I feel I got the general feel of what it’s like to be a teacher, however as I was there on university work experience, the children in higher years didn’t want or rely on my help as much as they did their teacher or they was working more independently.

I found teaching the learn 2 learn lessons more fulfilling and exciting, as I really enjoyed the challenge of being a support to students with learning difficulties and even year 7 as a whole, as they needed the most teacher attention.

Observing teachers in action has played a big part in my experience and options too, and I have gathered the positives and negatives for teaching from this and talking to teachers themselves.

Unfortunately I was a witness to some students having bad behavior and language toward the staff, and can understand how it can cause stress and hurt to them.

I feel the staff at Baverstock and generally all teachers are excellent at what they do and I take my hat off to them, as they have to deal and be patient with difficult students, as well as teaching and getting children ready for the real world.

From the whole of this experience I have decided that being a teacher is something I am not comfortable doing. However, learning support and art therapy is something I wish to look more into as a future career path.

Teacher Training Day

Monday 15th April was a teacher training day, I felt this would be good experience as not only I would see a usual teaching day but the back work behind it.

The day began by an all staff meeting and then a department meeting.

For the first half of the day, I and the 2 photography staff had to assess the AS projects and give feedback, in which they used a marking guide which was similar to our BA feedback forms. I felt very involved, as I was able to give my thoughts and guidance.

Then we had to create a lesson plan for ‘Stop Day’ which is a day that a GCSE year group does one of their options for a whole day. This stop day was for year 10s, in which they planned to do a planning workshop for their mock final piece, along with starter activities. We designed templates of what they need to include in their planning.

In the afternoon all the art staff came together and moderated all the year 10s identity projects so far, we had to discuss and agree if the grade the class teacher had given was appropriate, some of the works got brought up or down a grade.

Saturday 20 April 2013

Putting It Together

I used the software Adobe After Effects to create the final video. 

A Level - Art and Photography

With both AS and A2 levels in art, they are working through their coursework or getting ready for their final exam.

As the A2 level where near for their final exam which took place after the easter holiday, they was very busy planning and filling up there sketch books with experiments, which meant I didn’t have to help them as much, so in this time I was working with the teacher get things ready for the next lessons.

The AS group needed a bit more support and inspiration, in the sense that they needed help on ensure there amount and quality of work is at an AS level and not GCSE.  At this stage, I felt the art students still think in a GCSE mind, in which at GCSE student are given a lot of information, where I had to encourage them to be a bit more independent on their research. I helped and gave them artists they could look at, and then they had to go out and find out about them and why they would link.

The A level photography students was very much in the prime of their work, and needed very little help. I had time with each student (5 for AS and 6 for A2) and discussed their ideas and what they have done so far and how they was going to develop it. In these discussions I gave feedback and tried to help and inspire the students in their progression.