Sunday 21 April 2013

Teacher Training Day

Monday 15th April was a teacher training day, I felt this would be good experience as not only I would see a usual teaching day but the back work behind it.

The day began by an all staff meeting and then a department meeting.

For the first half of the day, I and the 2 photography staff had to assess the AS projects and give feedback, in which they used a marking guide which was similar to our BA feedback forms. I felt very involved, as I was able to give my thoughts and guidance.

Then we had to create a lesson plan for ‘Stop Day’ which is a day that a GCSE year group does one of their options for a whole day. This stop day was for year 10s, in which they planned to do a planning workshop for their mock final piece, along with starter activities. We designed templates of what they need to include in their planning.

In the afternoon all the art staff came together and moderated all the year 10s identity projects so far, we had to discuss and agree if the grade the class teacher had given was appropriate, some of the works got brought up or down a grade.