Saturday 20 April 2013

Year 7 - Art and Learn 2 Learn

Within the year 7 art classes they was looking at the artist Shauno, and creating a self-portrait in the style of the artist.

Below are images of the project mood board and the Year 7s works in progress. 

Learn 2 learn is extra lessons set up to specially teach Maths and English to children that need extra support, due to learning difficulties and lack of concentration in actual class. Within this lesson tasks are taught slightly different than in a normal lesson, as they engage the children more and explain in simpler forms, the use of art is sometimes involved as visual learning seems to be more successful with the children.
Within my lesson of learn 2 learn, we was looking at converting bar chart information into a pie chart.

The lesson began by a simple starter task of answering questions about results of a bar chart, for example what breakfast was the most popular? (Look for the breakfast with the highest amount on the chart), this task was easy as the answers were all there on the bar chart, however some of the children needed guiding to the answers.

Then we moved onto the main task. They used a bar chart they made in the previous lesson, about separating a pack of Smarties by colour, and tried to transfer the information onto a pie chart. The formula  was discussed as a group a couple of times and then they had to work out their information. Even though the task was explained very clear and a hand out of the formula was given, and they all said they understood, a lot did not know how to go about it or they needed guiding.

With both art and learn 2 learn I work with a small group, which were the same children in both classes. I had to give them support, guidance and motivation to help them complete the work, but it is important to not become too involved as the students need to build on independence. However some of the group would keep asking for more and more help even though they understood, but they just didn’t want to try.