Sunday 21 April 2013

Baverstock Overall Feedback

Overall I feel I got the general feel of what it’s like to be a teacher, however as I was there on university work experience, the children in higher years didn’t want or rely on my help as much as they did their teacher or they was working more independently.

I found teaching the learn 2 learn lessons more fulfilling and exciting, as I really enjoyed the challenge of being a support to students with learning difficulties and even year 7 as a whole, as they needed the most teacher attention.

Observing teachers in action has played a big part in my experience and options too, and I have gathered the positives and negatives for teaching from this and talking to teachers themselves.

Unfortunately I was a witness to some students having bad behavior and language toward the staff, and can understand how it can cause stress and hurt to them.

I feel the staff at Baverstock and generally all teachers are excellent at what they do and I take my hat off to them, as they have to deal and be patient with difficult students, as well as teaching and getting children ready for the real world.

From the whole of this experience I have decided that being a teacher is something I am not comfortable doing. However, learning support and art therapy is something I wish to look more into as a future career path.