Monday 22 April 2013


When I first read the brief I felt I could not engage with the project easily, and even throughout the project I found it very challenging. However, to try and find a way of connecting, I chose a context that I can relate to a lot, this being media pressures.

Creating puppets was a completely new thing to me and I was not looking forward to that element. However, making them was very fun and I was very pleased at the professional outcome.

Creating the intro and video was something I found less challenging, as I had much practice in this area. But my skills developed slightly through the experimentation in this project.

Even though at the beginning of this project I did not have a positive outlook, I am pleased with the outcome and I feel the video portrays the message of media pressure well, especially with the use of my humorous and parody tone.

If I had more time, I would have created more puppets and scenes, of the waiting room and more interviews of the judges accepting the puppets that look like them and turning others down even. This may have made the message clearer.